
Strike Consulting & Tam Bui

Tam Bui is a private investigator based out of the Toronto area. He is the founder of Strike Consulting, a full service Investigative, Security and Instruction based agency.

Strike Consulting has built a strong reputation for private investigative work often involving a combination of “deep” background, open source (OSINT) physical and digital surveillance work. In 2022 Tam became a court expert in “Complex Criminal Investigations”. He has written several expert opinion reports for difficult personal injury, criminal, fraud and death related cases. Tam is often used to manage and conduct interviews for sensitive workplace violence, harassment and fraud related internal investigations.

In 2020 Tam assisted several Toronto area law firms with investigating the tragic deaths inside of long term care homes during the start of the medical pandemic. Several class action proceedings were initiated, in part from Tam’s investigative work. Tam is routinely retained by Toronto criminal defence, human rights and personal injury firms to assist with wrongful death reviews.

In January 2020, Tam Bui retired as Detective Staff Sergeant with Canada's largest municipal Police Service after 25 years in Law Enforcement. He holds a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology/Anthropology with a concentration in Criminology. Tam is the graduate of several Police Leadership and Investigative programs including the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s, Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (FBI-LEEDA). He is a recipient of the FBI-LEEDA “Trilogy” award (Supervisory, Executive and Command). Tam is also a graduate of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Investigative “Team Commanders” program.

During his policing tenure, Tam was the supervisor of a Major Crime Unit and was the investigative and surveillance supervisor for a Joint Forces Operation (JFO) Organized Crime Enforcement team (OCE). Tam managed investigators from the RCMP, York Police, Peel Police, Toronto Police and Canada Customs. Tam was responsible for supervising and managing several JFO ''WireTap'' investigations. This included the actual criminal investigation followed by case management and prosecution alongside the Crown Attorneys for the various trial processes. Many of these complex cases crossed the international border with the USA often involving the FBI and other federal agencies. In 2011 Tam was recognized by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for his excellence during an international drug investigation.

After his time at OCE, Tam moved to the Toronto Police Homicide Squad as both a team supervisor then squad manager. Tam was responsible for one of six homicide teams that investigated the sixty to one hundred homicides that occurred in the city of Toronto each year. The teams were also responsible for all suspicious deaths and death of children under five. Tam was the Primary Investigator for the Eaton Centre Mass shooting and double homicide and the 2015 “Sniper” killing of an Organized Crime member.

Many of these Homicide and OCE investigations utilized specialized “Wiretap and Undercover Operations''. Tam was a certified “Operator” and “Agent” handler by the Province of Ontario and Government of Canada, he was also an accredited “Undercover Operator”. Tam has considerable experience with the First Nations, Indigenous Community Policing programs having once worked for a Tribal Police Service in British Columbia.

Tam received a Corporate award for his relentless seven year investigation and successful prosecution into the 2011 murder of Allan Lanteigne (a domestic family homicide). Mr. Lanteigne’s husband, a lawyer and Greek citizen was convicted in 2018 for first degree murder along with his co accused. The homicide was committed for fraudulent access to life insurance and other financial assets. Both of the accused fled to Switzerland, then the Hellenic Republic of Greece before their arrest. Tam worked alongside Interpol and the RCMP, his international investigation ultimately led to the extradition of one of the accused from Greece. The global component of this case saw the extensive use of Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (international criminal subpoenas) for the release of social media, government and corporate records from Greece, the USA and Pakistan.

Tam was recognized internationally for his unique use of Social Media to drive renewed interest in the 2012 “Cold Case” murder of Mike Pimentel. This unique media and investigative approach ultimately led to the tip which resulted in the arrest of the accused and a successful prosecution in 2018.

Tam has lectured internationally on Domestic and Family homicides, Cold Case Homicides, Social Media investigations and Major Case Management. He has been a guest speaker for the FBI National Academy, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the RCMP national police college, Ontario Police College, Social Media in Law Enforcement (SMILE) and Canada’s national intelligence service CSIS. He continues to be a guest speaker in his retirement for various police agencies and the RCMP.

In 2019 Tam completed a policing tour in Ukraine, attached to the Government of Canada and the RCMP’s “Canadian Police Mission Ukraine”, a bilateral humanitarian and military project between Canada and Ukraine. While there, Tam lectured for the RCMP to the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) on the subjects of Domestic/Family Homicide, Major Case Management, Social Media Investigations and Police Leadership.