Strike Criminal Record Check Service Policies

  1. Only authorized Strike Criminal Record Check staff are cleared to perform criminal record check services.
  2. Strike Criminal Record Check Services shall only be performed on Strike Criminal Record Check property.
  3. Each application must meet the requirements of the RCMP for the Canada Criminal Record Verification Informed Consent Form (criminal record check).
  4. Strike Criminal Record Check staff shall not populate or correct any applications.
  5. Each applicant applying for a criminal record check is responsible for correctly inputting their own information, submitting the required photographs, documents and signing the application.
  6. Strike Criminal Record Check staff shall review each application for accuracy and completeness. We are unable to input or change any information.
  7. After reviewing each application, Strike Criminal Record Check staff shall forward the application (Canada Criminal Record Verification Informed Consent Form) to the RCMP (through the Cobourg Police Service ) for processing.
  8. Strike Criminal Record Check staff may “Decline” the application. This “decline” will come with a message and clear instructions for the reason. The applicant will receive an email with the reason for the declined application and instructions on how to make the corrections.
  9. Once the application is corrected and resubmitted, Strike Criminal Record Check staff will again review the application and decide whether to forward the application (Canada Criminal Record Verification Informed Consent Form) to the RCMP (through the Cobourg Police Service) for processing or “Decline” the application and return it to the applicant.
  10. The applicant will receive a “clearance or rejected” letter via email. If requested the applicant may elect to receive a signed and embossed letter of clearance mailed to their address.
  11. Strike Criminal Record Check staff shall remove/delete or destroy any personal data released by the RCMP in relation to each applicant within 7 days of the completion of the application process.
  12. All Strike Criminal Records checks are supervised by former Canadian Police investigators working in Canada. Strike data is stored in Canada with its website and CRM provider.
  13. Strike Criminal Record Check has no control over the retention of any of the applicant's data that may be retained on their website portal for purposes of their own auditing reasons.

Information from RCMP website re: instructions

Applicant Instructions for completing the Canada Criminal Record Verification Informed Consent Form

General Information

Both pages will need to be completed in full.

Typed signatures are not accepted, but digital or electronic signatures are.

Applicant’s signature on consent form needs to match signature on ID.

Completing the Form

Complete every section (except for section B that is already filled out).


Section A. Personal Information – Applicant must provide all personal information including 5-year address history. At least one address needs to be a Canadian address. *If you do not have a Canadian address, please contact your representative with the company that has sent you this request.

Section B. Reason for the Criminal Record Verification – skip this section.

Section C. Informed Consent

- Box for “CPIC Investigative Data Bank” and “Police Information Portal (PIP)” should stay checked, leave box for “Other” blank - Enter company name and location - Applicant must sign, date, and write name of the city/province/territory where the document was signed. Applicant’s signature needs to match signature on ID.

Section D. Identification Verification – To be completed by a person who saw/witnessed the applicant’s IDs. That person must write their name, sign, and enter the two types of IDs they viewed. Signature may be electronic, but typed signature is not acceptable. IDs could be verified by anyone that is not a family member or close friend (for example HR personal, bank employee, notary etc.).


Applicant must write their name, DIOB, declare all convictions, sign, and date. Signature may be electronic, but typed signature is not acceptable. Again, the signature must match the signature on the ID. Identification documents Must provide at least two valid (not expired) copies of identification. One of them needs to be government issued and must include the applicant’s photo, name, and date of birth. ID’s must be verified by the witness who will complete Section D of the consent form.

*Please upload the form once it has been fully completed. If you are unable to upload for any reason, please return both pages of the completed document to the representative that provided them to you.*

Acceptable forms of identification:

Photo Identification: must include the applicant's photo, name, and date of birth.

  • Driver's License (issued by Canadian province or territory) or Nexus Card
  • Foreign Driver's License
  • Government Employment Card
  • Military Employment Card
  • Age of Majority Card
  • Canadian Citizenship Card
  • Indian Status Card
  • International Student Card
  • Passport, Canadian or foreign
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Possession and Acquisition License (PAL)
  • Canadian National Institute for the Blind Card (CNIB)

Non-Photo Identification: must include the applicant's name and date of birth.

The secondary identification can also be from the above list, or any one of the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Hunting License
  • Fishing License
  • Outdoors Card
  • Hospital Card
  • Immigration Papers
  • Canadian Blood Donor Card (only if date of birth indicated)

COMMON ERRORS on the Canada Criminal Record Verification Informed Consent Form

  1. Name on identification documents does not match the name inputted on the form.
    1. In some cases, Canadian Documents prepared by Canada Immigration get reversed compared to the Government Identification from Foreign governments. THE NAMES MUST MATCH THE DOCUMENTS TO THE APPLICATION, or it will be declined!
    2. In such cases the applicant may be required to submit other documents or asked to obtain a secondary piece of Canadian Government Identification such as Ontario Photo Identification Card.
  2. Passport quality photo means a “self portrait” or “selfie” picture showing the head and shoulders of the applicant against a white background wall.
  3. Immigration Canada Foreign Student ID documents are accepted, however, student identification forms or cards from educational institutes are not suitable identification – These documents are NOT Government Identification and are NOT acceptable.


  1. Payment is made when the application is submitted for review.
  2. Strike Criminal Record Check staff shall review and evaluate the application before submitting it to the RCMP data base for processing.
  3. Once the check has been completed there will not be a refund as the service has been performed, whether the applicant is “cleared or not cleared.”
  4. Should there be a case which warrants a refund such as applicant error in a duplicate payment, a refund will be processed. The applicant shall contact Strike Criminal Record Check staff through email at and advise them of the error and submit the receipt as proof of payment for an internal investigation. Once the internal investigation is complete, a determination on refund will be made, if a refund is due, it shall be processed as soon as practicable.